Venue Manager Shift Review Form AM and PM Manager Need to fill this out after each shift Date(Required) Month Day Year Name of Event(Required)AM or PM Manager?(Required)AM ManagerPM ManagerName(Required)Expected Number of GuestsActual Number of GuestsWho was the Planner?Who was the Caterer?UntitledWas the venue ready on time?YesNoPlease explain why the venue was not ready on timeWas the venue walkthrough completed? (cleanliness, bathrooms stocked, etc.)YesNoIf no, why wasn't the walkthrough completed?Was outdoor maintenance and parking clean?YesNoIf not clean, what was not completed?Were vendors greeted and directed appropriately?YesNoIf not greeted/directed appropriately – why not?Any vendor issues or late arrivals during setup?YesNoWhat were the vendor issues or who was late?Any issues with guest or vendor parking?YesNoIf yes, what were the parking issues?Did you have all the information you needed?YesNoIf no, what info was missing or would've helped?Was the planner/client happy with the AM setup?YesNoIf no, what would've made the planner or client happy with AM setup?Did any issues arise with early guest arrivals?YesNoIf yes, what were the issues with the early guests?Were any unexpected maintenance issues found during the walkthrough?YesNoIf yes, what were the maintenance issues? Did you report to upper management?Were you relayed all pertinent info from the AM manager?YesNoIf no, what info were you missing?Was anything owned by the venue broken before, during, or after the event?YesNoIf yes, what was broken?Were noise levels monitored and kept under 70 decibels?YesNoIf no, did you speak to the band/DJ to resolve the issue?Was parking managed effectively during guest or vendor departures?YesNoIf no, what was wrong with the vehicle departure?Did vendors begin breakdown and cleanup on time?YesNoIf no, what/who was delayed?Was the event breakdown and cleanup completed on time?YesNoIf no, what caused the delay in breakdown?Did vendors remove all trash and equipment as required?YesNoIf no, what was left from the vendor(s)? Which vendor(s)?Was the final walkthrough completed with each vendor (catering, bar, band, etc.)?YesNoIf no, why wasn't the final walkthrough completed and which vendor was it?Were all doors locked and the alarm set properly after the event?YesNoIf no, did you have any specific issues or did you forget?Safety concerns? Before, during, or after the eventYesNoIf yes, what were the safety concerns?Additional CommentsUpload a PhotoUpload photos of any damages, notable details, or unusual occurrences for documentationMax. file size: 50 MB.